You may have heard about Nutrient IV Therapy during this past year, particularly in regard to nutrients that are known to support the immune system. Delivering nutrients via an intravenous line (IV) has long been a crucial part of medical care.

Nutrient IV Therapy is used to deliver vitamins, minerals, and amino acids directly into the bloodstream. This type of treatment is an efficient and immediate solution when someone has acute dehydration, severe illness, organ damage, or a medical illness that alters the normal absorption of nutrients. It is also used when a person cannot eat, has problems with digestion, or has another health problem that results in a nutrient deficiency. The theory is: higher levels of vitamins and minerals in the bloodstream leads to greater uptake by the cells that use the nutrients to support health and fend off illness.

Nature intended us to consume the nutrients we need from food and our bodies are efficiently designed to break down and absorb nutrients appropriately. If we are listening to the body-to our appetite-then we should be able to choose and obtain what we need from our diet to maintain good health. This works effectively as long as serious illness, injury or digestive issues do not interfere with nature’s design.

Keep in mind, several factors affect your body’s ability to absorb nutrients. These factors include age, metabolic rate, health status, genetics, interactions with other products you consume/use, and the physical and chemical makeup of the food you eat. Holistic practitioners are well trained in looking at the whole picture of a person’s health needs and determining if there is a real need for Nutrient IV Therapy.

When and for Whom?

Some of the many medical conditions that may benefit from this therapy include:

· Autoimmune disorders
· Blood disorders
· Cancer
· Crohn’s Disease
· Gastrointestinal disorders
· Hemophilia
· Infectious diseases
· Kidney conditions
· Primary immune deficiencies
· Pre- and post- organ transplant support
· Ulcerative colitis

This therapy is also used to support the body in maintaining optimal health. This can include addressing concerns such as:

· Detox
· Gut health
· Immune support
· Reducing pain and inflammation
· Recovery following prolonged, intense physical training
· Recovery following exposure to extreme heat or cold

In general, this is a safe therapy but the wrong mix or amounts of nutrients can have dangerous, even life-threatening interactions with other medicines or herbs a person is taking. Therefore, it is crucial to receive any type of IV treatment under the supervision of a healthcare professional who has the appropriate medical training. If you are considering Nutrient IV Therapy, give us a call to schedule an appointment with your naturopathic clinician at 360.470.0401 or go online to schedule to ensure this type of therapy is safe for you.

Schedule a risk-free 15-minute initial consultation with any of our clinicians.

Image Source: nampix/

Resources: “IV Nutrition Therapy: Your Questions Answered.” Updated 10 April 2019. Accessed 14 Jan 2021:

Katz, D. “Intravenous Nutrients? Let’s Chew on That.” Posted 1 Jan 2013; Accessed 14 Feb 2021:

Health.USNews.Com “Should You try IV Therapy?” Post by Anna Medaris Miller. Posted on 7 July 2016. 14 Feb 2021:

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