Holistic Primary Care Physicians

Randall Carpio, ND

Randall Carpio, ND
Naturopathic Physician

Dr. Randall Carpio, ND, specializes in men’s health, metabolic health, and heart health, using naturopathic and motivational coaching to optimize well-being.


With expertise in endocrinology, psychiatry, and lifestyle medicine, he helps patients manage diabetes, obesity, mood disorders, and overall preventive health.

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Dr. Spring Stephens ND, MT, image of Dr. Spring Stephens ND, MT

Spring Stephens ND, MT
Naturopathic Physician

Dr. Spring Stephens is a Naturopathic Physician that utilizes injection therapies such as Neural Therapy injections, trigger point injections and scar treatments as a pathway to healing for her patients. She also focuses on all aspects of treating the LGBTQIA community and gender affirming adjunctive care. Dr. Spring practices weight-neutral healthcare, affirming body positivity and believes strongly in health at every size philosophy.

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Delores-Stephens, image of Delores-Stephens at heart of wellness

Delores Stephens, ND
Naturopathic Physician

Dr. Stephens received her Doctorate of Naturopathic Medicine from NUNM in Portland Oregon. She focuses on providing weight neutral care helping to dispel weight as the problem to be resolved. She provides a safe space for all, utilizing all components of body, mind, spirit as she guides and supports her patients.

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Mary Attwood, ND
Naturopathic Physician

Dr. Attwood is a Naturopathic doctor who also does massage therapy, informed by her yoga practice and long history of natural healing exploration. She earned a doctorate in Naturopathic Medicine at National University of Natural Medicine in Portland, Oregon and a bachelor’s degree in psychology from Southwestern University.

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Dr. Morgan Schuster ND
Naturopathic Physician

Dr. Schuster’s approach to medicine is to assess each patient as an individual keeping their whole health in mind including their mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical well-being. Her emphasis is preventive medicine with a strong foundation in nutrition and lifestyle modifications.

Dr. Schuster believes that each person’s unique story needs to be heard in order to get to the root cause of their ailments.

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Dr. Michele Deisering ND
Naturopathic Physician

Dr. Deisering is a primary care physician who has extensive experience in family medicine, pediatrics and general health and wellness.

She specializes in the natural treatment of allergies of all types, thyroid conditions, weight loss, digestive problems, acne, fatigue and insomnia. She also treats mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety, seasonal affective disorder and ADD/ADHD.

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Dr. Tim Shannon ND
Naturopathic Physician

Dr. Shannon specializes in homeopathy, naturopathic support, and natural approaches to mental health, anti-aging, and general wellness. His treatment plans integrate homeopathy, diet, lifestyle changes, and botanical medicine to support conditions like anxiety, ADHD, insomnia, and autoimmune disorders.

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Dr. Diana Duncan ND
Naturopathic Physician

Dr. Diana loves being a primary care physician for the whole family.

She is particularly passionate about pediatric health care and establishing a solid foundation for a long vibrant life in childhood.

In all of her patient visits she aims to work cooperatively with you to identify health goals, empower you with knowledge, and tailor natural medicine to best fit your individual needs

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Acupuncture and Eastern Medicine

David Lerner LAc, EAMP, MTCM
Acupuncture, Herbal Medicine, Nutritional Counseling

David treats a wide variety of disorders, utilizing acupuncture as his primary treatment modality, sometimes in combination with herbal and/or nutritional medicine.

He also works in conjunction with the physicians at Heart of Wellness, treating patients based on the foundations of functional medicine.

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Morgan Tougas LAc, EAMP, MAOM
Acupuncture, Herbal Medicine, Manual Therapy

Morgan’s practice integrates Japanese Meridian Therapy acupuncture, traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) acupuncture, tuina (East Asian manual therapy), and Chinese herbal medicine.

TCM acupuncture is effective for treating many types of pain, musculoskeletal and neurological injury, and conditions that benefit from a direct approach to addressing symptoms.

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Physical Therapy

Michelle-Walz-MPT-physical therapist tumwater, image of Michelle Walz

Michelle Walz, MPT
Physical Therapy

Michelle is a licensed Physical Therapist and certified Therapeutic Yoga Instructor with a gentle treatment approach that integrates mindfulness, yoga, and holistic care into physical therapy. She provides a safe space that allows her patients to feel seen and heard.

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Massage Therapy

Gary Black, LMT
Myofascial Release Therapy

Gary Black is a Licensed Massage Therapy specializing in John F. Barnes’ Myofascial Release Approach®. His desire is to empower people and facilitate healing for a pain-free active lifestyle.

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Open Monday-Friday 8AM-12PM / 1PM-6PM