We’re in a new age of convenience and connectivity, and with it comes new health concerns. More than ever, our eyes are in front of screens – from smart devices and computer monitors to televisions and movie screens. And, more than ever, people of all ages are complaining of eye fatigue, headaches, blurry vision, dry eye, and twitching of the eye or eyelid. This is often referred to as Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS).
Every part of our eye is vital to healthy vision – from the tear ducts to the cornea to the various nerves and muscles. And every part of our eye is affected by our habits, including the stress and strain placed upon them from using digital devices, whether at school, work or home. While research in this area is still new, current studies show that the blue light emitted from cell phone screens and similar devices causes damage to retinal cells. Scientists believe the damage stems from the higher energy level in the shorter wavelength of blue light, hitting the eye with greater intensity than other light sources.
Reduce Eye Strain While Using Digital Devices
Serious vision problems don’t necessarily happen all at once; they can creep up on us over time if we’re not careful. That’s why early – and daily – intervention is critical. The following strategies can help minimize eye strain and prevent CVS from becoming a problem for you now and in the future.
- Position your desktop computer screen 20 to 26 inches away from your eyes and a little bit below eye level. Hold smaller devices 12-15 inches from the eyes.
- Choose screens that can tilt and swivel. Use a device holder for smaller devices.
- Use the appropriate screen display for your computer; change displays between light and dark mode; invest in a high-quality monitor.
- Use a blue-light / glare filter over your computer screen or your glasses.
- Place a document holder next to your screen. It should be close enough to allow you to comfortably glance back and forth to the screen and document.
- Use soft lighting at your work space to reduce glare and harsh reflections.
- Take a 20 second break every 20 minutes. Look at objects in the distance, such as a picture on a far wall, a building outside, or a tree, for example. Blink often and exercise your eyes (see Therapy article, below).
If you’re concerned about changes in your vision or have experienced the symptoms of CVS, speak to your holistic eyecare professional about additional health steps you can take.
- American Optometric Association, “Glossary of common eye and vision conditions.” aoa.org/patients-and-public/eye-and-vision-problems/glossary-of-eye-and-vision-conditions
- “Computer Vision Syndrome” https://www.aoa.org/patients-and-public/caring-for-your-vision/protecting-your-vision/computer-vision-syndrome
- PreventBlindness.org. https://www.preventblindness.org/computers-and-your-eyes
- Boptom, SJ, Asper, L, et al., “Ocular And Visual Discomfort Associated With Smartphones, Tablets And Computers: What We Do And Do Not Know.” Clin & Exper Optometry. (Jan 2019) https://doi.org/10.1111/cxo.12851
- Blehm, C, Visnu, S. et al. “Computer Vision Syndrome: A Review” Surv Ophthalmol. (2005) May-Jun; 50(3):253-62. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15850814
- Healthline.com “Blue Light from Your Phone May be Permanently Damaging Your Eyes.” https://www.healthline.com/health-news/phone-may-be-damaging-your-eyes#1
- Newsweek.com “Eye Damage Risk From Cellphones, Laptop Screens Revealed.” By Spear, Lisa. Posted 11 Aug 2018. Accessed 6 Mar 2019: https://www.newsweek.com/blue-light-cell-phone-laptop-screens-can-speed-blindness-1068343