Be Strong & Beautiful with Horsetail

A cousin of the fern, Horsetail (Equisetum arvense) is a flowerless plant that contains 5-8% silica and [...]

Glucosamine, Chondroitin Sulfate & MSM for Joint Pain

Glucosamine sulfate and chondroitin are structural components of cartilage, the tough tissue that cushions joints. [...]

Flexibili-Tea For Your Joints & Muscles

Flexibili-Tea is an aromatic infusion of herbs known to support the health of muscles, bones [...]

Your Body, On Water

Athletic or not, we all need water. And plenty of it. Hydration affects how our [...]

Move Well, Move Often – It May Save Your Life

Move well and move often: it’s smart advice for maintaining a strong, healthy body from [...]

Yoga Eyes and You

The idea that certain eye movement patterns can correct vision abnormalities such as near- or [...]

Bilberry: Not Just Another Blue Berry

Bilberry and Blueberry: They’re both blue. They’re both tasty. And they’re both good for you. [...]

Vitamin A for Eye Health

Part of a family of substances called retinols, Vitamin A is important to our overall [...]

An Exotic Twist on Sweet Potato Pancakes

Shake up a traditional potato pancake recipe with an exotic combination of cinnamon, curry powder, [...]

That’s One Powerful (Sweet) Potato!

Here’s an interesting fact: one medium sweet potato provides 100% of your daily needs for [...]

Digital Devices & the Health of Your Eyes

We’re in a new age of convenience and connectivity, and with it comes new health [...]


Digestive complaints are among the most common health concerns. If you’re experiencing distress, a holistic [...]

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