Lemongrass: A Mind-Body Herb

Lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus) is an ancient remedy for detoxifying the body, relieving pain, and supporting the health [...]

Co-enzyme Q10: Vital to Energy Production in the Body

Very rarely is a substance so important – and prevalent – in the human body [...]

Arugula, Apple & Pecan Salad

In this simple, seasonal and healthy salad, peppery arugula is combined with crisp apples, toasted [...]

Awesome Arugula

With a nutrient profile similar to kale, Brussels sprouts, and broccoli, arugula is an excellent [...]

Make a Change for Better Health in the New Year

Have you set an intention to make better choices around diet and exercise in the [...]

Nutrient IV Therapy: Don’t Believe the Hype

They go by names such as Vitamin Drip Bar and Liquid Vitamin Lounge. You’ve probably [...]

Calcium Does a Body Good

Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the human body and you might think that’s [...]

Think IRON for SuperPower

Wouldn’t we all like a little (or a lot) of superhero power now and then [...]

Turnip Green Soup

Loaded with a natural peppery flavor, Turnip Green Soup is a Southern favorite and a [...]

Turnip Greens: A Powerhouse for Good Health

Like their leafy green cousins, turnip greens contain an abundance of nutrients important to good [...]

Supplemental Knowledge: Should You Take Nutritional Supplements?

Supplemental Knowledge: Should You Take Nutritional Supplements? Of all the holistic health products available, nutritional [...]

Why is Nutrient Assessment Important?

How are your cells doing today? Don’t know? Then a Nutrient Assessment might be in [...]

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