Category Archives: Digestion

Explore our digestion articles to learn about holistic methods and integrative care for improving your digestive health.

Peppermint: More than a Seasonal Candy

Peppermint is one of the most popular herbs used today, and it becomes most apparent [...]

Aloe Vera Benefits the Gut

With long, thick, plump and pointed deep green leaves, Aloe vera is one of the [...]

Digestive Distress: Holistic Approaches to Irritable Bowel Syndrome

When the smooth rhythm of the muscles of the digestive tract is disrupted, either moving [...]

Heal Thy Gut with Marshmallow Root

There’s much more to that sweet, fluffy treat we enjoy melted in a s’more or [...]

Ginger Chews

Whether you need to soothe your toddler’s upset tummy or your own serious bout of [...]

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