Morgan Tougas LAc, MAOM
Morgan’s practice integrates Japanese Meridian Therapy acupuncture, traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) acupuncture, tuina (East Asian manual therapy), and Chinese herbal medicine.
Meridian Therapy is a gentle form of acupuncture focused on balancing and harmonizing the body’s energy. It is useful for treating conditions connected to emotional and psychological stress, supporting the body’s innate healing, and for people who are sensitive to energy work.
TCM acupuncture is effective for treating for treating many types of pain, musculoskeletal and neurological injury, and conditions that benefit from a direct approach to addressing symptoms.
Tuina is a form of bodywork grounded in traditions of martial arts and Chinese medicine; it includes massage, stretching, cupping, and the use of herbal liniments and salves. Acupuncture and tuina complement each other in addressing physical symptoms.