Tag Archives: holistic

D-Mannose for Chronic Urinary Tract Infections

Recurrent UTI are common among 20% of women, with many women experiencing three or more [...]

Natural Approaches to Urinary Tract Health

There are times when it feels like biology is destiny. And when it comes to [...]

Women’s Fertility Herb: True Unicorn (Aletris farinosa)

Stargrass, Blazing Star, True Unicorn… quite magical names for this wildflower with its tall, sturdy [...]


You’ve likely never heard of Calcium-D-Glucarate (CDG), a salt-based substance produced naturally by humans and [...]

Infertility and Natural Medicine

Both men and women describe infertility as heartbreaking, more stressful than losing a job or [...]

Reduce Pain & Inflammation with Devil’s Claw (Harpagophytum procumbens)

Devil’s Claw is indigenous to southern Africa where, for thousands of years, tribes prepared the [...]

Prevent & Treat Colds Naturally

The common cold: drippy nose, nagging cough, sore throat, clogged sinuses, and congestion. It’s miserable, [...]

Eustachian Tube Massage

It can hit anyone at any age – children and adults alike – and result [...]

More to Love about Green Tea (Camellia sinensis)

Next to water, tea is the most consumed beverage in the world. There are health [...]

Kitchari: An Ayurvedic Healing Stew

Incredibly tasty and nourishing, kitchari (kichadi) is a popular Indian dish. Kitchari combines a protein-mung [...]

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