Tag Archives: medicine
Supplemental Knowledge: Should You Take Nutritional Supplements?
Supplemental Knowledge: Should You Take Nutritional Supplements? Of all the holistic health products available, nutritional [...]
Medicinal Mushroom Blend
For thousands of years, practitioners of Eastern Medicine, Native Americans and indigenous cultures have used [...]
Reduce Pain & Inflammation with Devil’s Claw (Harpagophytum procumbens)
Devil’s Claw is indigenous to southern Africa where, for thousands of years, tribes prepared the [...]
Magnesium: A Multi-faceted Nutrient
Recognized for its role in bone structure and proper function of nerves and muscles, Magnesium [...]
Don’t Let Allergies Keep You From Enjoying Summer!
Doesn’t seem like allergy season should be over by now? Not here in the Pacific [...]
Kitchari: An Ayurvedic Healing Stew
Incredibly tasty and nourishing, kitchari (kichadi) is a popular Indian dish. Kitchari combines a protein-mung [...]