The medicinal properties of the South African herb buchu are derived from the leaves, which have been used in tribal and modern European herbal medicine for centuries. Buchu has antiseptic properties, making it helpful for destroying bacteria. Tinctures of buchu can also have an overall tonic effect, helping to strengthen vital organs.

Among its many uses, buchu exerts a direct effect on the urinary system and is used in helping to prevent and heal conditions such as:

  • bladder infection
  • blood in the urine
  • chronic urinary tract infection
  • inflammation in the kidneys
  • painful urination
  • colic and painful gas in adults

Natural medicine practitioners propose that the active chemicals in buchu help to kill germs and promote flow of urine. The dried herb is most commonly used in capsule form.

Buchu must be used under the supervision of a qualified health practitioner because it can interact with other medications. Also, a person’s age, their symptoms, and the stage of progression of their health condition influences how buchu is used. Buchu has not been studied for use with children and should not be used during pregnancy or breastfeeding.



  • Street, R.A. & G. Prinsloo, “Commercially Important Medicinal Plants of South Africa: A Review,” J. of Chemistry (2013) 16 pages. Article ID 205048. doi:10.1155/2013/205048 Accessed 10 July 2017:
  • “A Modern Herbal: Buchu” posted by Grieve, M. Accessed 10 July 2017:
  • “Buchu.” Accessed 10 July 2017:
  • Lis-Balchin, M., Hart, S., and Simpson, E. Buchu (Agathosma betulina and A. crenulata, Rutaceae) essential oils: their pharmacological action on guinea-pig ileum and antimicrobial activity on microorganisms. J Pharm.Pharmacol. 2001;53(4):579-582.;jsessionid=1D9D61C83569AC8E20EB6E5F115C757E.f04t04
  • “Urinary Tract Infection in Women.” Accessed 10 July 2017:
  • Simpson, D. “Buchu – South Africa’s Amazing Herbal Remedy.” Scottish Medical J. (1 Dec 1998) 43:6, 189-191. Accessed 10 July 2017:
  • Buchu (Agathosma betulina).
  • Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database. ( “Buchu.” Accessed 10 July 2017:
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